Saturday, May 15, 2010


semalam saya IM dengan bff saya. dia cakap dia dah kurus. dia pergi blaja kat satu u nie. boring. tension. semua orang skema. nak pergi belajar oversea kan. kawan yang setakat nak tanya assignment boleh la. 
and yang paling penting,  

tak boleh nak GOSSIP...

GOSSIP. addiction? habbit? hobby? or merely one of the ways to fill your time by talking about everyone else but YOU. =)frankly speaking, gossip is part of my daily life, be it on purpose or not. haha. sometimes it just comes naturally. there's always something interesting about everyone, even the ones you don't really know.

now, let's take a look at a few daily situations where gossip takes place purposely, shall we? ^_^

pada suatu pagi, masa saya tengah termenung dekat koridor depan kelas, saya tengok nana (bukan nama sebenar) meluru masuk dalam kelas. dia nampak penat tapi anxious. saya tau. mesti dia ada story. hehe. saya tunggu tak sampai 5 saat dia letak beg, batang hidung dia dah ada dekat belakang saya. wah cepat. mesti cerita panas. dia pun mula lah. 

"Aya tau tak, semalam nana bukak fb, tau tak nana jumpa fb sape? tau tak? tau tak?

sipolan2 tu.. aya tau tak dia kapel dengan sape? dia kapel dengan budak f2, alaa yang tinggi2 pakai spek, gelap2 sikit tu.. (hanya rekaan semata-mata) (kalau nasib baik kenal la, kalau tak memang tak kenal. tapi masih lagi nak dengar. haha)

laaaaa ye ke... bila? tak pernah nampak pun? serius? OMG!! biar betul... (belagak macam kenal tapi tak pun) eh kejap, bukan dulu dia kapel dengan budak f3 ke? bile break?" ....... anda sambunglah sendiri ya.. =)

pada suatu petang, masa kami pergi makan dekat kantin, ada seorang lelaki lalu di depan kami. secara automatiknya saya terdengar satu suara..
" eh korang, korang tau tak. dia ni la hari tu kena panggil masuk bilik pengetua. orang cakap dia buat hal. tapi tak tau pulak hal apa. besar la tu sampai kena panggil masuk bilik pengetua.
ye ke? mana tau ni?

ala sipolan2 bagitau. dia cakap dia ni memang banyak buat hal." (as if dia pernah tengok)...

lepas tu ada pulak seorang perempuan lalu depan kami. mula la satu cerita baru........


now let's go through situations where we accidentally gossiped. haha as if they really exist. 

pada suatu hari, kami pergi ke kbmall. kami duduk makan dekat mcD. tiba2...

"ya Allah tengok la dia ni pakai. macam orang 'jauh'. entah datang dari mana la ni. bukan la nak ngate, tapi ye la. kalau dah pakai macam tu takkan la orang tak ngate. ha, sama lah macam sipolan2 tu. hari tu jumpa dia dekat tesco, ya Allah. Tuhan je tau. ye la bukan la nak cakap sangat, tapi memang terok la..."


well, that's the end of today's gossip review. until this very day, no one has ever known why people enjoy gossiping so much eventhough they know that they are not as perfect either. no offence, i'm part of it too. heee. 

jadi kalau nampak cerita saya macam berpengalaman je tu, 

of course laaaa..   






Thursday, May 13, 2010


tadi saya bukak tv. tv3. tengok 999. dengar mazidul akmal sidek cakap. nenek berusia 80 tahun ditahan dalam sebuah serbuan. dipercayai kaki judi. 

damn. 80 years and a gambler?! wooo.. grandma pulak 2. seriously, what is happening to the world? 

not to mention the next 'serbuan'. they raided a 'pusat spa' as usual. there was this girl. she captured my attention. she was crying, cursing 'pemerdagangan orang'. can someone please explain what pemerdagangan orang really really is?

now, the way i see it. senang je. they SELL  people. yep. i thought these things existed masa zaman labu labi and tiga abdul only, but to be realistic it is much worse now. haihhhh~~

back to the girl. she was advising all the teenagers. i quote (not exact and precise, roughly ok) ... " janganlah jadi bodoh. janganlah cepat percaya. ada banyak lagi cara lain nak dapat duit. nanti Allah tak terima kite. siapa2 pun tak terima kita. saya baru 13 tahun, dah jadi macam ni. saya malu. kepada yang buat perdagangan orang ni, berhentilah.."
you heard her. perdagangan orang. berhentilah. wasting life at 13. susah. not able to experience school life? rugi. damn rugi. school life is the best.

and FYI, i'll be taking commerce at kyuem. but i am definitely not going to PERDAGANGKAN ORANG.  



size does matter =l

hari ni saya timbang badan. alamak! naik 2 kilo. macam mana ni? oh saya tau. nampaknya kena pergi gym. strategi jogging tak efektif. lepas tu baru saya teringat. saya makan nasi 3 kali sehari. lepas tu makan roti lagi. makan koko krunch lagi. makan keropok lekor n goreng pisang mok nor lagi. ada harapan ke?
 pergi gym banyak mana pun tak jadi =)

this morning, right after i woke up, i stared at myself in the mirror. then i realised..., gile arh! how many TONNES have i gained?? =.="

i remembered my father telling me when my brother said i ni 'roy' (short term for BOROI).. " kakak nie memang la tak gemuk, tapi kalau makan macam ni everyday tunggu masa je la..." <-- tak ada harapan...

then i remembered when having lunch at KFC airport with my mother, she said.."Eh, baba ckp kakak dah gemuk. baba suruh kurang makan. lepas ni jgn makan banyak2. nanti seluar tak muat pulak.." <-- lagi la tak ada harapan...

however, the one i like most and i will always remember is my aunty (mekaseh cik lah.. wee~~~) ... "kak ya nie kecik la.. koho lamow cik lah tengok, koho kecik. pah nanti nak gi ngaji, lagi kurus.." ADA HARAPAN!!

so, conclusion? ada harapn nak kurus. cuma kena ada usaha. yes. WILLPOWER. that's all i need. less eat, less sleep, less COUCH POTATO-ING, and more EXCERCISE.. =)


the agony of waiting.. ZZzzzZz...

Imagine. what we can get in 24 hours back then, and how we waste our 24 hours now... or should I say, HOW I DID.

hari ini saya bangun awal pagi, satu kemajuan. mama ajak pergi breakfast. lepas tu mama hantar balik rumah. 'landing' depan tv berjam2. naik atas, bukak fb. turun tengok tv balik. makan. solat. tengok tv, fb, tv, fb. sampai malam. masuk bilik, tengok tv lagi dan lagi. tidur~~~

 OK. to all SPM leavers, this routine may sound familliar. yes, it's the routine we've all been waiting for, but finally now when it's here i'm desperately wishing it would come to an end. aiyah.. the agony of waiting is unbearable. everyday passess, without anything interesting to remember or to cherish. to put it simple - BORING GILE.

okay, now let's go back a few months ago...

homework, studying, teachers, GOSSIP,girlfiends.

waa life was good. but then at that time we did not notice. we were all busy hoping that it would vanish and disappear in the blink of an eye. and fantasizing the time when we'd be able to relax, sleep, watch tv and eat the hell out of ourselves. hmm.. now all this relax-eat-sleep-menternak lemak thingy isn't working after all, is it?

now, i got what i've longed for. but honestly, i want it to end. i want something to do, and fill my time with something that at least benefits. yes. i want to go study. no wonder they won't give us so many holidays or days off because in the end, we will find that there is nothing more to do and we will finally wish that the semester continues.. heee..

holidays are good,, but too much of it really kills..

"penantian satu penyeksaan.." 



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

assalamualaikum ... ^_^

1st blog 

  1st post  

     1st time 

          1st hellooo ......

1st impression..?? I tak kisah... =)
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. good day. arigato. ni hao. hello. vanakam. salam. 

hey everyone! after centuries of 'goyang kaki' and doing nothing beneficial or worthwhile, i decided to start my own blog. honestly i have no idea what good startring a blog can bring to me, but i believe that at least it is something worth doing. much can be written, expressed, talked, 'discussed' etc etc.. if you know what i mean. =) so as a new and unexperienced blogger, i beg your forgiveness if there's ever anything i write that hurts or offends anyone in particular. trust me - I DON'T MEAN ANY HARM.. hehe.. 
so sit back, relax and enjoy ... ^_^